Sixteen hours of one-on-one Digital SAT tutoring (eight weekly sessions of two hours each); see Clay's email of December 27, 2023, for exact details. Same terms and details as the 20-hour package (including two free Master Class enrollments), except that this package includes only 16 hours instead of 20 (eight sessions instead of ten).
RB 16 Hours Personal SAT Tutoring
What happens next?
Upon purchase, Clay will contact the buyer by phone within 24 hours to set up the tutoring package.
Cutting-edge Teaching Platform
Work with Clay one-on-one in a flexible, interactive online teaching platform that makes online tutoring effortless and efficient.
Data-driven Personal Study Framework
Clay will analyze your previous work - real SAT results, practice test scores, and other practice materials - to build a complete picture of your strengths and weaknesses. This assessment will serve as the starting point and roadmap for your ongoing prep.
Active Learning Primer
This primer outlines the important principles of 'active learning' - the cutting-edge approach to studying, learning, and cognitive development based on the latest findings in cognitive neuroscience - and how to apply these principles to your SAT prep.
Comprehensive Study Plan
Clay will work with you directly to develop a comprehensive study plan based on your specific needs and schedule. This study plan will include three parts: a roadmap of the substantive concepts you'll tackle; a weekly study schedule; and an overall timeline for your prep between now and your target test date.
Practice Test Scoring & Analysis - 4 Reports
Clay will personally score your realistic practice tests and analyze your peformance, providing you with a specific, data-driven analysis of your progress, strengths, and weaknesses, and a roadmap of what to work on next. You can use this service up to eight times between purchase and your target test date.