21 Free Real, Past SAT Tests
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Clay Cooper
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October 2022 - Official SAT PDF
October 2021 - Official SAT PDF
May 2021 International Version - Official SAT PDF
May 2021 US Version - Official SAT PDF
October 2020 - Official SAT PDF
October 2019 - Official SAT PDF
October 2018 - Official SAT PDF
October 2017 - Official SAT PDF
These are paper-and-pencil format SATs - are they even helpful for the Digital SAT?
There are differences between the new, Digital SAT that you will be taking and the old, paper-and-pencil format SATs above. However, the main differences - even in the Reading and Writing portions of the test - are in the test's format, not the content tested.
In other words, the Math sections of these older tests absolutely are very helpful in preparing you for the Digital SAT, as the Math content tested on the Digital SAT is almost the same as the Math content tested on the old SAT. The new test's format is different, of course, so focus on the content tested, rather than on the old test's time limits or pacing.
And even in these older tests' Reading and Writing sections, you can find an enormous number of practice questions that test the same concepts, rules and content tested on the new Digital SAT.
It is certainly true that there are parts of these older tests' Reading sections and Writing sections that are NOT relevant to the new Digital SAT - so be sure to practice with Digital SATs first, so that you can tell for yourself which question types, which concept areas, and which topics are still relevant on the Digital test - but once you do so, you will be able to see that much of the Reading sections and Writing sections of these older tests is directly parallel to the new Reading and Writing Modules of the new Digital SAT.
Use what is helpful, and leave the rest.
For tips on how to get the most out of these older, paper-and-pencil practice tests as you prepare for the Digital SAT, call us today at 615.703.8101, and we will be happy to help.
Or, better yet, register for any of our
Live Online Digital SAT Master Classes or One-on-One SAT Tutoring packages
with World Record 3-Time SAT Perfect Scorer Clay Cooper
to get instant access to more than 16 Digital SAT Practice Tests
- including 6+ Digital Adaptive SAT Practice Tests that
are not even available in the College Board's BlueBook app!